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Understanding pregnancy trimesters: What to expect in each stage

Pregnancy is a remarkable journey, divided into three trimesters, each bringing its own set of changes, challenges, and milestones. At Shukan Hospital & IVF Centre, we’re here to guide you through each stage of your pregnancy, helping you understand what to expect and how to prepare.

First trimester (weeks 1-12)

1. What’s happening:

  • Early development: During the first trimester, your baby is rapidly developing from a tiny embryo into a recognizable fetus. Major organs such as the heart, brain, and lungs begin to form, and by the end of this trimester, your baby will have distinct features, including arms and legs.

  • Changes in your body: This period is often marked by symptoms such as morning sickness, fatigue, frequent urination, and breast tenderness. Hormonal fluctuations can also lead to mood swings and emotional changes. It’s a time of significant adjustment as your body adapts to support the growing life inside you.

2. Key milestones:

  • Heartbeat detection: One of the first milestones is hearing your baby’s heartbeat. This can typically be detected via ultrasound around 6-7 weeks, offering a reassuring sign of your baby’s development.

  • First ultrasound: An early ultrasound is usually performed between 6-12 weeks to confirm the pregnancy, check for a viable heartbeat, and assess the baby’s initial development. This is also an opportunity to estimate your Expected due date more accurately.

3. Tips for this stage:

  • Prenatal care: Begin taking prenatal vitamins that include folic acid, which is crucial for your baby’s neural tube development. Regular prenatal visits are essential to monitor your health and the progress of your pregnancy.

  • Healthy habits: Focus on maintaining a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Stay hydrated, and avoid substances such as alcohol, nicotine, and certain medications that can affect your baby’s development.

  • Consult your doctor: Schedule and attend all recommended prenatal appointments. Communicate any concerns or symptoms to your healthcare provider to ensure you and your baby are healthy.

Second trimester (weeks 13-26)

1. What’s happening:

  • Growth and development: The second trimester is often referred to as the “golden period” of pregnancy. Your baby continues to grow rapidly, and their features become more defined. You might start feeling movements, known as “quickening,” as your baby becomes more active.

  • Changes in your body: Many women find that morning sickness subsides during this trimester, and energy levels often improve. Your abdomen will begin to expand as your baby grows, and you may notice changes in your skin, such as the “pregnancy glow.”

2. Key milestones:

  • Anomaly scan :  Between 18-22 weeks, a detailed ultrasound, known as the anatomy scan Anomaly scan, is conducted. This scan evaluates your baby’s growth and development, including the structure of their organs and limbs. It also checks for any potential abnormalities.

3. Tips for this stage:

  • Comfort measures: Invest in comfortable maternity wear and supportive clothing. Consider using maternity support products for back and pelvic support as your body adjusts to the growing baby.

  • Nutrition: Continue eating a nutritious diet, incorporating foods rich in calcium and iron to support your baby’s development. Regularly eating small, frequent meals can help manage any lingering nausea.

  • Exercise: Engage in light to moderate exercise, such as walking or swimming, to stay active and healthy. Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure your exercise routine is safe for you and your baby.

Third trimester (weeks 27-birth)

1. What’s happening?

  • Final preparations: In the third trimester, your baby is growing rapidly and preparing for birth. They may start to engage in the birth canal as your body gets ready for labor. You may notice more pronounced fetal movements and increased discomfort as your due date approaches.

  • Changes in your body: Physical discomfort often increases during this stage. Common issues include backaches, frequent urination, and difficulty sleeping. Your body is preparing for labor, which can lead to Braxton Hicks contractions, remove this 

2. Key milestones:

  • Birth plan: Discuss and finalize your birth plan with your healthcare provider. This includes your preferences for labor, delivery, and post-birth care. Understanding your options can help you feel more prepared and confident
  • Pre-labor signs: Learn to recognize the signs of labor, such as regular contractions, water breaking, and changes in discharge. Knowing when to contact your healthcare provider or go to the hospital is crucial for a smooth delivery.

3. Tips for this stage:

  • Prepare for labor: Attend childbirth classes if possible to learn about the labor process and pain management options. Ensure you have a packed hospital bag with essentials for you and your baby.

  • Stay calm: Practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or prenatal yoga, to manage stress and prepare for labor. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family to help you through this final stage.

  • Regular monitoring: Attend all scheduled prenatal appointments. Your healthcare provider will monitor both your and your baby’s well-being, checking for any potential issues and preparing you for the birth.


Understanding each trimester helps you prepare for the changes and milestones of pregnancy. At Shukan Hospital & IVF Centre, we’re committed to supporting you through every stage of your journey.

If you have any questions or need personalized care, don’t hesitate to contact us today to schedule an appointment or consultation. We’re here to provide expert guidance and compassionate support for you and your baby.

Author bio

Dr. Prakash Patel

He is a highly respected Infertility and IVF Specialist with an extensive medical career spanning over two decades. As the Director of Shukan Hospital & IVF Centre, he has dedicated his life to helping couples achieve their dreams of parenthood. He is renowned for his expertise in advanced laparoscopic surgeries and has successfully managed numerous complex cases involving recurrent miscarriages and recurrent IVF failures. His proficiency in high-risk pregnancy management and advanced IVF treatments makes him a trusted name in the field of reproductive medicine.

His  approach to patient care is deeply compassionate, combining his vast clinical knowledge with a commitment to personalized treatment. He holds prestigious certifications from leading medical institutions in France and Croatia, reflecting his dedication to staying at the forefront of medical advancements. With memberships in notable organizations like FOGSI and ISAR, He  is recognized both nationally and internationally for his contributions to gynecology and reproductive health.

Under his leadership, Shukan Hospital & IVF Centre has become one of the premier fertility centers in Gujarat, known for its state-of-the-art facilities and patient-centered care. His outstanding work has earned him several accolades, including the My FM Achiever Award, further cementing his reputation as a leading specialist in his field.


How can I manage stress and anxiety during pregnancy?

Managing stress is important for both your well-being and your baby’s health. Techniques like mindfulness, relaxation exercises, and seeking support from loved ones or a counselor can help.

What are some common warning signs of complications during pregnancy?

Warning signs can include severe abdominal pain, heavy bleeding, severe headaches, sudden swelling of the hands or face, and reduced fetal movements. It’s important to contact your healthcare provider if you experience any of these symptoms.

Are there any specific vaccinations I should get during pregnancy?

Recommended vaccinations during pregnancy may include the flu vaccine and Tdap vaccine to protect both you and your baby from pertussis. Always consult with your healthcare provider about any necessary vaccines.

How can I manage pregnancy-related back pain?

Managing back pain can include exercises to strengthen your back and abdominal muscles, using proper posture, wearing supportive shoes, and possibly using a maternity support belt.

When should I start preparing for postpartum recovery?

Preparing for postpartum recovery can begin in the third trimester. Consider arranging support for after birth, including help at home, and preparing for self-care, breastfeeding, and infant care.

What should I include in my hospital bag for delivery?

Your hospital bag should include essentials like comfortable clothing, toiletries, your birth plan, important documents, and items for the baby such as clothing and a car seat.

How can I recognize if I’m going into preterm labor?

Signs of preterm labor can include regular contractions before 37 weeks, lower back pain, pelvic pressure, and changes in vaginal discharge. Contact your healthcare provider if you suspect preterm labor

What are the options for pain management during labor and delivery?

Pain management options during labor can include natural methods (like breathing techniques and relaxation), medications (such as epidurals or narcotics), and alternative methods (like water immersion or acupuncture). Discuss your preferences with your healthcare provider beforehand.